Ink defense tattoo care
Made in Eugene, I am proud to be part of this products pro team. They use all natural ingredients to make a non-greasy, incredibly soft, brightening, tattoo cream for healing and everyday use. We will have it in stock as often as possible!
Before coming in to get your tattoo:
Be sure to drink plenty of water. Hydrated skin is easier to tattoo.
Get plenty of sleep. Getting tattoos is draining, so come with energy.
Eat food. Prepare yourself with healthy snacks which helps avoid light-headedness during the tattoo. Having low blood sugar can increase the physical reaction to a tattoo, making you more likely to pass out from the pain.
Don’t take ibuprofin or other blood thinners - they won’t help with your pain during the tattoo. Avoid them for a full 24 hours before coming in.
Feel free to moisturize and carefully pre-shave your skin before arriving. Take care of the area at least a week before your tattoo. Gently exfoliating the area (without creating irritation) is also encouraged but not day of or day before getting tattooed.
Avoid getting a sunburn on the area you are getting tattooed. This means wearing sunscreen whenever you leave the house. Let us know of any skin conditions or irritated areas before beginning the tattoo, alterations to your design may be needed. If you have a sunburn in the area we are planning to tattoo, we will not be able to proceed!
Don’t be in a rush. We want to ensure you have a comfortable experience in the studio, so make sure you have plenty of recovery time after your tattoo before rushing out to do other things in your busy life.
Wear comfortable clothes that allow easy access to the area you are getting tattooed.
Adhesive Bandage Care (and aftercare)
DermSheild or Saniderm is a breathable, waterproof, hypoallergenic adhesive bandage, designed for tattoos. Using full coverage bandages like this helps prevent infection from pet dander, dirt, harsh chemicals, towels, sheets and more.
Now that you have your bandage on your new tattoo, there are a few things to know as well as a few easy steps to follow to ensure your tattoo heals bright, colorful, and without scabbing, Fluid forming inside the bandage is absolutely normal. The liquid is a mixture of plasma, blood, and ink, and every body produces a different amount. It will be an ugly color and possibly an alarming amount, this is very normal. A large bubble of fluid can still form with a perfectly healthy tattoo. For people who produce a lot of liquid, and with most full color tattoos, you will either need a bandage change or have the bandage drained after about 24 hours.
Your first option is to come back and have your artist personally replace the bandage for you, for free, within the first 24 hours. The tattoo will be cleaned and rinsed properly before adhering a new piece of bandage. This bandage should then continue to stay on your body for 5 additional days.
The second option is to replace the bandage yourself (this is much easier with a buddy). Your artist will give you a replacement bandage that is the proper size for your tattoo. The easiest place to take bandage off is in the shower, or a large sink if the tattoo is on your arm, wrist, or hand. Make sure your hands are clean, and after running the bandage under warm water for a while to loosen the adhesive, pull the bandage gently away from your skin, then down, letting the fluid fully drain. Wash your tattoo with warm water ONLY (NO SOAP). Rub gently until the tattoo is no longer “slimy”. Allow to fully air dry or pat gently with a clean paper towel and finish air drying. Before applying the bandage, first wipe the area AROUND the tattoo with rubbing alcohol on a paper towel or cotton ball. This is essential to preserve the longevity of the bandage by removing the natural oils on your skin. Next, peel the paper backing to expose the adhesive side. Gently apply the bandage (sticky side to skin) using light pressure, starting from the middle, ensuring not to stretch the bandage. Apply the bandage while your body part is in a relaxed position. Then remove the plastic backing and apply some pressure allow the bandage to stick. This bandage can now stay on for 5 days. Do not leave the bandage on your skin for longer than 7 days.
If at any point water or dirt can get into your bandage or the seal around the tattoo itself is broken, take off your bandage immediately, wash it and start your aftercare right away.
Remove the bandage after 5-6 days (or when it needs to come off) by pulling gently away from the tattoo.
Wash your tattoo with a very small amount of Dr. Bronner’s Baby Mild Castile soap or a similar product and warm water. Rinse your tattoo, allow to fully air dry, and then apply a small amount of your preferred aftercare product. We highly recommend InkDefense Tattoo care, which is now available for purchase at our shop! Ink defense keeps your tattoo bright while its healing and after. They use safe, healthy ingredients in an amazing non-greasy formula. Go to to find out more!
For two weeks following the removal of your Saniderm, wash, let dry, and moisturize your new tattoo at least two times a day. Do not pick at any scabs that form. Do not soak in a bathtub, hot tub, pool or anything else. Avoid heavy exercise while still wearing your bandage. Always apply sunscreen to all tattoos. The sun is big a tattoo removal laser!
We offer free touch ups (that take less than 30 mins to perform) on any tattoo in the first year. This is encouraged especially for light colors, watercolors, whites, and super bright yellows and blues. Prices for longer touch ups due to damage or older than a year can be discussed on a case by case basis.
NON ADHESIVE BANDAGE Tattoo Healing and Care
Remove your non-adhesive bandage and wash your tattoo thoroughly and gently with Dr. Bronners Baby Mild Liquid Soap and rinse well a few hours after your appointment. Let your tattoo air dry, or use a fresh paper towel to blot it dry. Then apply a very thin layer of your preferred tattoo balm, or our recommended product InkDefense Tattoo care, which is now available for purchase at our shop! Ink defense keeps your tattoo bright while its healing and after using safe, healthy ingredients in an amazing non-greasy formula. Go to to find out more!
Follow these steps three times daily for two weeks
Wash your tattoo well with warm water, soap and your fingertips.
Let it air dry or blot with a clean paper towel
Lightly moisturize with InkDefense Tattoo Care
Cover with clean, cotton, loose clothing
Do not pick at any scabs that form. Do not soak in a bathtub, hot tub, pool or anything else for two weeks. Always apply sunscreen to all tattoos. The sun is big a tattoo removal laser.
We offer free touch ups (that take less than 30 mins to perform) on any tattoo in the first year. This is encouraged especially for light colors, watercolors, whites, and super bright yellows and blues. Prices for longer touch ups due to damage or older than a year can be discussed on a case by case basis.
Happy Healing!